We are proud to hold the CLEAN & SAFE badge given by Portugal Tourism Office, to identify the tourism companies that comply with health measures in order to fight against the spread of covid-19.

From the first day safety is our main concern, and we’ll make sure it keeps like this for a long time. That’s why we are now taking all the health measures to provide you a Clean & Safe tour in the future when you come to visit us.

Of course we all know the next months will be hard for every tourism companies, but this is the way we have now to show we care about our own and every guest safety.

We will implement some mandatory health measures from now, such as:

  • The guides will wash their hands frequently with water and soap or 70% alcoholic gel;
  • Avoid breathe directly to the guests and cough or sneeze to the elbow;
  • Keep a safety distance between all the guests;
  • The guides will measure their temperature everyday;

We will also ask our guests to comply with some of these safety measures.

All the touched surfaces of our car will be disinfected before and after the tours making sure they keep Clean & Safe.

We’re sure this will be a temporary situation, but we’re also know you will totally understand.

Clean & Safe

Have a look to some of our Running Tours and Walking Tours! We will be waiting for you!