We celebrate Global Running Day on 3rd June in order to encourage everyone to get moving and being conscious of all it’s positive health benefits.
Due to the present social restrictions forced by covid-19, it’s even more challenging to find a way to stay active and healthy. But this can’t be an excuse to be sedentary and store your running shoes in the closet.
Like many other economic sectors, all the Running Tour companies had very difficult times with no guests to guide and without any recovery forecast for the next weeks.
Despite this, we have to keep positive and be ready when we start the madeira running tours again.
That’s why we had to join this movement with our partners of RunningTours.Net. Dinarte (Madeira Trail Tours founder) did his 10km jogging to help achieving the goal of 1.000km.
Raoul from RunningTours.Net called all the Tour Guides to reach this goal together and celebrate Global Running (Tour) Day.
We should also post a picture of a monument or nice view in the area and use #globalrunningday #globalrunningtourday hashtags in social media.
Searching for those hashtags we’re happy to see so many people celebrating Global Running Day in their way.
Running with family…
in a small group of friends…
or with their pets…
Everything should be an excuse to go outside and keep moving!
We are celebrating today, but it’s true that we celebrate everyday in any trail Madeira has to offer.
Every single day we are grateful to share all these beautiful trails with Madeira trail running community.
For now we share them online, soon we’ll host the best trail running tours in Madeira Island.
Till then, keep an eye on our website, and keep following us on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube accounts.
Happy Global Running Day!